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4 Gynecological Issues that Can Affect Fertility

4 Gynecological Issues that Can Affect Fertility

Abnormal periods, severe cramps, and hormonal issues aren’t gynecological problems to brush off and ignore. They might be the symptoms of a condition that can threaten your fertility, especially if you’re actively trying to conceive or hope to have a child later in life. This is why it’s important to consult a specialist about your gynecological health, and find a women’s practice that takes your concerns seriously. 

At Physicians for Women in Madison, Wisconsin, our team of women’s health specialists, including gynecologists, board-certified obstetricians, and certified nurse midwives, can help diagnose and treat gynecological issues, including infertility.   

4 conditions that affect fertility

There are many reasons you might be having trouble conceiving, ranging from physical flaws with the uterus to hormonal imbalances. These issues often lead to chronic symptoms, including unusual menstrual symptoms (such as painful and/or unpredictable periods).

1. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) 

Attention surrounding polycystic ovary syndrome has increased in recent years, with many women coming forward about their struggles with hormonal imbalances, infertility, and painful cysts. The reasons and solutions for PCOS are still being explored, but a specialist can help diagnose your symptoms and suggest treatments and lifestyle changes that may work for you. 

2. Endometriosis 

Another painful gynecological condition that has recently garnered attention is endometriosis, which causes your uterine lining, the tissue you shed during your period every month, to grow outside the womb. This causes internal bleeding and inflammation of the surrounding organs with every menstrual cycle, and the resultant scarring can diminish your fertility over time. 

3. Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI)

Primary ovarian insufficiency refers to the failure of the ovaries before menopause. This is separate from premature menopause, as women with POI still experience periods and can become pregnant, though it may be difficult. The exact cause of POI differs and sometimes can’t be diagnosed. 

4. Uterine fibroids  

Fibroids are muscular tumors that are usually benign, but they can cause blockages and infertility when they occur in the uterus. When large enough, uterine fibroids can also put pressure on the bladder and colon, leading to uncomfortable restroom-related symptoms. Black women are especially prone to fibroids, being three times more likely than other races to develop them at some point in their lives. 

When to consider seeing a specialist 

If you’ve failed to become pregnant after a year of unprotected sex, there’s a good chance that you, your partner, or both of you may have fertility issues contributing to your problem. Men and women are equally likely to experience fertility issues, though women are more likely to experience symptoms outside of infertility. 

Many women carry on with gynecological issues for years without being diagnosed, often leading to loss of fertility. Irregular, unusual, or painful periods should be taken seriously and brought up with a gynecologist. If your primary care doctor dismisses your concerns about your menstrual cycle, schedule a visit with a gynecological specialist to get a proper evaluation. 

Physical pain and emotional distress caused by fertility and associated conditions can be avoided with proper care. To get in touch with the doctors at Physicians for Women, call 608-227-7007, or book an appointment online.

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