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Our Midwives have experience in this area and want to empower new moms with tools to promote successful breastfeeding. Women can make a breastfeeding appointment at any time. For many women, the first two weeks are especially challenging, and support during that time is most helpful. We have a cozy, home-like space to create a relaxed environment for women to meet with a specialist and gain confidence, promoting successful breastfeeding.



Benefits of lactation appointments:

  • Get your questions answered
  • Feel confident about breastfeeding your baby
  • Find out about additional community resources


Common concerns we can address:

  • Nipple soreness
  • Difficulty latching baby or using a nipple shield
  • Plugged ducts
  • Breast infection
  • Concerns about making too much or too little milk
  • Engorgement


The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can help you bond with your baby while you are providing your baby with the most complete form of nutrition that is easy for them to digest, while also supporting a healthy immune system.

Some benefits for you while breastfeeding are:

  • Breastfeeding helps your uterus return to its original size more quickly, which reduces the amount of bleeding after birth
  • While you nurse your baby you will usually have a longer time before your periods return and you may find it easier to lose the weight you gained while pregnant.

"I hesitated to see a lactation consultant for a while, but I now regret not going sooner. After four months of struggling with breastfeeding, just one meeting with Allison helped redirect the issues I was having. After seeing Allison and trying her suggestions, I am confident that my child is getting the nutrition they need! Now I fully enjoy feeding my baby and am out of the dark cloud of uncertainty and stress. I only wish I'd seen her sooner!”



Physicians for Women - Melius & Schurr
2955 Triverton Pike Drive
Madison, WI 53711
Phone: 608-227-7007
Fax: 608-227-7027

Office Hours

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