Our contract with United Healthcare is scheduled to end on April 30th, 2024. Unfortunately, after this date, we will no longer be able to accept United Healthcare insurance. If you have any questions about your insurance coverage, we recommend contacting your insurance company directly. They can provide more details about your policy and help you understand your options. If you have any questions about how this change will affect your billing, please do not hesitate to contact us at (608) 227-7007.
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Hysteroscopy: The Minimally Invasive Solution for a Wide Range of Gynecologic Conditions

Hysteroscopy: The Minimally Invasive Solution for a Wide Range of Gynecologic Conditions

There are many different gynecological conditions that can plague patients. If your doctor suspects you have a uterine condition causing certain symptoms, a simple diagnostic procedure known as a hysteroscopy can often discern the problem.

At Physicians for Women — Melius, Schurr & Cardwell in Madison, Wisconsin, our team of OB/GYN specialists can perform a hysteroscopy that may reveal what type of gynecological surgery you need to regain your health.

Hysteroscopy basics

Like many other procedures ending in “-scopy,” this procedure involves a thin, tube containing a fiber optic lighted camera that lets the doctor look inside for signs of disease, growths, or illness. Inserting a hysteroscope through the cervix and into the uterine cavity helps visualize the cavity utilizing a saline solution to distend the uterine cavity and assist in visualization.

A speculum, similar to the one used for Pap smears, is initially placed to help keep the vagina open while the hysteroscope is inserted. Occasionally, the cervix is gently dilated, typically 4-7mm. We often provide local analgesia to assist in making you comfortable. Operative hysterscopy, where uterine polyps or fibroids are removed, sometimes warrant an additional anesthetic delivered by an Anesthesiologist in an outpatient surgical setting.

Diagnostic hysteroscopy

diagnostic hysteroscopy can be used to:

Your doctor may also use this procedure to look for signs of cancer, or to confirm a diagnosis suggested by a blood test.

Operative hysteroscopy

An operative hysteroscopy can be used to guide a surgical procedure. We can treat polyps and fibroids, locate and remove a missing or displaced IUD, or ablate endometrial tissue to help relieve symptoms of cramping or heavy bleeding during menstruation.

Post-hysteroscopy care

A hysteroscopy is an outpatient procedure. If you receive sedating medications, you’ll need someone to drive you home. After a hysteroscopy, you may have light cramping and bleeding for a few days. Call our office if you experience heavy cramping or bleeding.

Make sure you have maxi pads (not tampons) ready, and ask your doctor about pain relief medication. We may recommend specific types that are the most effective.

Overall, a hysteroscopy is a low-risk procedure, and you should be yourself again within a few days. If you’ve questions about any gynecological conditions or have been informed you need a hysteroscopy and want more information, we can help. 

You can call our office 608-218-4835, or book an appointment online with one of our OB/GYNs for a consultation. 

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